Come Discover The Power of Humility and Service

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Don’t miss the five-part sermon series, "Show Me”. Together we will explore key teachings from John chapter 13. Each week, we will focus on a different aspect of Jesus' teaching to his disciples!  


Part 1: "Jesus: Seven Marks of The Humble Servant" (John 13:1-5) 

Discover the power of humility and servant leadership through Jesus' act of washing His disciples' feet. In this sermon, Pastor Ryan will unpack seven marks of humility.  


Part 2: "The High Calling of Service for Christians " (John 13:6-17) 

Explore Jesus' teaching on service. Learn to embrace this high calling to serve others with love and compassion, following Jesus' example. 


Part 3: "Betrayed by a Believer" (John 13:18-30) 

In this sermon, Pastor Ryan will expose the pain and hurt of betrayal by teaching about Judas's betrayal of Jesus. He will  Identify and address the pain and hurt of betrayal that we all face and how to respond to it. He will provide valuable lessons from the life of Judas.  


Part 4: "The Glory of God's Story" (John 13:31-32) 

In this sermon, Pastor Ryan will teach about the glory revealed in Jesus' story, even amidst moments of pain and betrayal. He will give some practical advice on how to navigate the tough times.  


Part 5: "The Law of Love" (John 13:34-35) 

In this sermon, come explore the transformative power of loving one another as Jesus has loved us.  


Throughout this sermon series, "Show Me:  will open our Bibles to explore the teachings of Jesus in John chapter 13. We will focus our hearts on humility, seek the high calling to serve, address the hurt and betrayal we all face, find the glory in our story, and learn to live by the law of love!   

You ought to be inspired to follow Jesus' example more! Share and show the love of Christ in your relationships for the good of others and the Glory of God! Hope you join us in person or online. Bring your Bible and get ready to learn.